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By clicking submit, I agree I will hold harmless and indemnify the City of Jacksonville, its members, officers, employees, and agents from any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, judgments, and executions for damages of all kinds, losses, costs or expenses of every nature whatsoever, and any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from damages, and injury caused by the negligent acts or omission of myself and/or organization at the event, or caused by negligent act or omission of myself and/or organization's employees or volunteers. I have read and understood the foregoing general waiver and have signed voluntarily.
By clicking submit, I agree I will hold harmless and indemnify the City of Jacksonville, its members, officers, employees, and agents from any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, judgments, and executions for damages of all kinds, losses, costs or expenses of every nature whatsoever, and any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from damages, and injury caused by the negligent acts or omission of myself and/or organization at the event, or caused by negligent act or omission of myself and/or organization's employees or volunteers. I have read and understood the foregoing general waiver and have signed voluntarily.
Check here to show you accept the terms stated above for yourself or for a minor Volunteer for which you are the parental guardian.
By clicking submit, I give my child permission to volunteer and agree I will hold harmless and indemnify the City of Jacksonville, its members, officers, employees, and agents from any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, judgments, and executions for damages of all kinds, losses, costs or expenses of every nature whatsoever, and any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from damages, and injury caused by the negligent acts or omission of myself and/or organization at the event, or caused by negligent act or omission of myself and/or organization's employees or volunteers. I have read and understood the foregoing general waiver and have signed voluntarily.